

Brian Clarke: Transillumination

Brian Clarke: Transillumination

Tony Shafrazi Gallery, New York, United States
02 Nov - 13 Dec 2002

Brian Clarke: Transillumination was an exhibition of Brian Clarke’s recent works held at Tony Shafrazi Gallery, New York, in 2002.

In the essay to the accompanying catalogue, Martin Harrison writes:

‘In Transillumination this widely imitated artist has initiated another pioneering strategy and diverted the craft into functioning as an uncompromised vehicle for his vision. He has evolved a way to integrate his concern with the body into designs that comply with the disciplines of an architectural situation, and even succeeded in rendering the pathos of his musings on transience in a life-affirming form. In the context of architecture as ‘mother-of-the-arts’ he has created from a transparent web of dots on a flat plane within three-dimensional space, a radiant pictorial surface constructed from a cooled liquid and activated by transmitted light; standing astride definition as either solid or void, his glass panels are able to articulate and activate an interior, not eliminating but acknowledging and incorporating the exterior environment.’
